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Austin, TX

Does it hurt to get my eyebrows tattooed?

Ask Erica

Does it hurt to get my eyebrows tattooed?

Erica Miles

It’s the first question people ask me: How much does semipermanent makeup hurt?

While it does have makeup in the name, both powder brows and nano brows are tattoo techniques—don’t think this is the same as a makeup or henna application. Instead of a brush, a tattoo machine is used to apply ink into skin. There is potential for pain and discomfort, but I have ways to keep you as comfortable as possible.

What are powder brows?

With powder brows, the tattoo machine pokes thousands of teeny, tiny dots in between the hairs of your eyebrows for a soft, powdery effect that’s similar to using eyeshadow or brow powder. The machine doesn’t go too deep into your skin, which is why powder brows are considered semipermanent—they will eventually fade. And if you liked how they looked, you will need a touchup down the line.

What are nano brows?

Nano brows use a very fine tattoo needle, so individual lines can be drawn in between existing brow hairs or to cover up bald spots, for a more diffused appearance. Each stroke tapers in order to give it a more natural hair-like appearance. You’ll get a more fluffy and feathered look overall, that appears very natural.

Nano brows are a great alternative to microblading, which is known to discolor and be very uncomfortable. I personally advise against microblading, because it has a tendency to discolor over time. Not to mention, it’s more traumatic for the skin, especially if you’re older than, say, 35.

Are eyebrow tattoos painful?

To minimize discomfort, I apply a numbing cream that takes out much of the sting. You will still feel some pressure as I stretch the skin to get the perfect amount of shading.

If you’re ready to talk about a permanent makeup procedure, >>contact me<<. I’d love to make you feel more beautiful.
